The School of Education and Psychology (SOEP) located in the Walter Washington Administration/Classroom Building (WWACB), also offers a non-teaching degree in psychology for students who plan to pursue graduate studies in psychology and related fields. You also can pursue a bachelor’s degree in general studies, working with your advisor to create a personalized program of study.


In 2015, pg电子下载 State University’s School of Education and Psychology received initial accreditation for seven years from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The 2015 review included the following programs: Elementary Education, Biology, English, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Social Science and Master of Arts in Teaching ( MAT). The next accreditation visit will use the CAEP Standards and is scheduled for Spring 2022.

ASU Quality Assurance System

LiveText is a Course Management System that allows students to organize and complete online assignments for the School of Education.

CAEP Annual Reporting Measures

LiveText is a Course Management System that allows students to organize and complete online assignments for the School of Education.

Department of Education
and Psychology

Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Office of Field Experiences and Student Teaching

As you enter into your practicum experiences in the field, beginning with course- based observations and culminating with student teaching, we would like to welcome and congratulate you on your decision to become future educators.

Frequently Asked Questions

Scores for the CORE/AREA exam are sent through the mail to the address that was put on the exit examination application. Students should give two weeks from test date for exams to be reviewed and graded.

Yes, it is possible to attend only in the summer and obtain a master’s degree. This only applies at the master’s degree level.

The Department of Education and Psychology administers a curriculum for undergraduate majors in Elementary Education, General Studies, and Psychology. Additionally, the department offers courses for secondary teacher education majors that will meet the state requirements for certification in the various teaching areas on the secondary levels.

Undergraduates should consult a teacher education advisor as soon as they decide to pursue teacher education. The education degree & certification at pg电子下载 State University are designed to be completed within the four-year program but there are certification requirements which must be completed during the four year time period.

The Degree in Elementary Education requires a total of 124 Credit Hours of approved course work in order to receive at the Bachelor’s level.

Yes, All students majoring in Elementary Education may obtain a concentration in nursery, mathematics, social studies, language arts, reading, etc. by successfully completing 21 additional hours.

To find out who your advisor is, students should see the Advisement page, located under the Department of Education and Psychology tab to the right.

SOEP Faculty & Staff


Dr. LaShundia Carson
Dean, School of Education and Psychology

[email protected] |
phone 601.877.6141 | fax 601.877.6319
1000 ASU Drive #989 | pg电子下载 State, MS 39096

Mrs. Gretchen Buckles
Special Assistant to the Dean/Certification Analyst

[email protected] |
phone 601.877.6141 | fax 601.877.6319
1000 ASU Drive #989 | pg电子下载 State, MS 39096